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Welcome to Telemedicine Services of Orienda International Hospital

Telemedicine of Orienda International Hospital provides online healthcare service which eases the patients with accessing to our doctors via telephone or video consultations, which they can feel convenience and saving time. Patients are able to discuss their symptoms with our doctors remotely. For our commitment to this service, we strive to deliver high-quality and convenient online healthcare service to our patients. In addition, telemedicine of Orienda International Hospital also save time from traveling during the pandemics. Patients no longer need to travel to see a doctor while they are sick, avoid the hassle of finding parking and waiting in the doctor’s office for consultations. This service can also reduce the costs of expense for patients. Telemedicine services of Orienda International Hospital provide patients with flexibility and benefits during the outbreaks as it avoids the contact between patients and others. Additionally, the patients also can better prepare for their consultations and address any questions or concerns that they may have. Orienda International Hospital not only provide telemedicine services, but also offer home health care services including injection and vaccination which deliver patients with international standard service and saving time. For further information about our services, please contact us via phone number below: 023 232 789 / 078 233 789 / 096 6233 789


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Steung Mean Chey, Khan Mean Chey, Phnom Penh

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